Friday, August 11, 2017

Blogs are everywhere, it seems. They are featured on websites, and on Facebook, LinkedIn, and other social media. Why are they so popular? Because they are easy to write, easy to post, and most of all easy to read.

The point is that blogs are an essential way that savvy businesses get their educational and marketing messages read. There is little expense to producing a blog (especially if you can write and post it yourself). They are custom made for today’s social media outlets. Chances are that your website’s content management system incorporates a simple blog writing and posting tool. And this is important: Something written as a blog doesn’t have to remain locked up in this cubby hole. It can be subsequently used as part of an E-mail campaign or other marketing initiative.
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Blogs can consist of the written word, videos, or even pictures/slide shows. Of course, the use of videos or slide shows requires a bit more knowledge of how to interface with YouTube and Powerpoint, so for the purposes of this blog, we’ll focus on written communications only.

I’ve seen blogs that are only 3 paragraphs long, and I’ve seen some that take up 15 paragraphs (which, by the way, take too long to read). As a business owner or executive, you have something you want to tell your customers (past, present, and future). It may be educational in nature—give viewers some of your expertise on a particular area and tell them why it’s important. Don’t forget to include a “call to action,” for example, by reminding them to check on a critical detail in their auto policy or to ask for help in choosing their health coverage.

Give readers your message concisely and in your best voice. It is that simple. My advice is to write up to four blogs as soon as possible and post them as a group. This represents sort of a “critical mass,” which will also help, if entered into your search engine optimization process, much more content for the Googles and Yahoos of the browser world to register and rank. From there, you may decide to post a new blog once a week or once a month. The key is to do it on a regular basis—don’t leave it for 6 months at a time.

And there’s the common problem—how to find the time to write a blog. There is a simple solution. Have a 10-minute conversation with a writer. Give him or her a couple of bullet points to work from, and let them produce the draft. If you have the time to speak with a writer for 10 minutes each week or month, you can post a new blog on a ridiculously frequent basis. And think of how much content that will generate for your other marketing needs!

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Marketing Efforts: No Need to Run, Walking Is Just Fine

By Stanton R. Mehr

President, Revisions Communications & Editorial Services

Have you ever jogged in 90-degree weather? It’s sweaty, laborious‑not a joyous experience, and even hazardous. That’s how many small businesses feel about taking time out of their extremely busy day to market themselves. Yes, if they are blinkered enough on their daily activities, they may consider it hazardous to getting actual work done.

It can be just the opposite though‑lethal to your business if you don’t expend the time needed to develop an environment where you create new prospects and enable a sale to take place. This focus on future revenues helps successful businesspeople sleep at night.

The real question is how to best utilize the time for marketing efforts. First and probably easiest, is to spend time thinking about your website. In 2016, almost all businesses, old and new, have a web presence, so we’re not talking about creating a whole new site, more likely some tweaks. But is your website a reflection of how you do business today (or want to)? Does it fulfill the requirements for good search engine optimization, if you’re in a business that requires being found on the Web. Does it complement any social media efforts that your company has developed?

Speaking of social media, did your announcement or press release hit Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and any of the other latest and greatest apps? Did your 15% off promotion reach the intended audience?

There are many effective ways to market your business. One of the most reasonable ways to spend your marketing hours is to become a member of a local business group. For the trades, this is essential. For companies who are interested in selling locally, it makes a great deal of sense. With a couple of hours a week, relationships can be built that assure a steady flow of revenue for the coming months.

Marketing does take work. It is not exactly sweaty, muscle-taxing effort, but it is something that well-managed organizations emphasize to help them succeed. Set aside a few hours each week to exercise those marketing muscles. We’d love the opportunity to help you get started.

See our contact page for more information. 

Stanton Mehr is President of Revisions Communications & Editorial Services, an organization that is focused on providing top-notch writing, editing, and communication services for your business.